The keys of a piano is shown in the figure......

  • The symbol " # " read as sharp and the symbol " b" is read as flat.
  • For example , G# read as G sharp, Eb as E flat and so on.
  • The keys starting at the C and ending at successive C collectively called an OCTAVE.
  • Simply the key just right to the particular key is called sharp of that key and the key which is just left to a particular key is called as flat of that key.
  • For example , the key just right to the C key is said as C sharp ( at same time the key is called as D flat). the key just right to the F key is called F sharp (F#) and at same time that key is called G flat ( Gb)
  • I strongly believe that you got the secret of the key labeling.............God bless you all...........

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