• Staff notation is the one of the systems in which the music notation and timings are expressed.
  • The staff notation contains five parallel lines ( staff or staves ) and the space between these lines are also in use.
  • The each staff and the space are consider as different notes and the timings are given by appropriate timing symbol

These lines and spaces are standing for different notes the notes are given below.............

The symbol starting the staff   is known as treble clef.

it indicates the treble sound.

To learn the notes the easy way is to learn the sentence ( Every Good Boy Does Fine -E G B D F ).
and face-(F A C E ).
these all about the basics of the staff notation. after learning this we planning to study about the other symbols and how to write the notation with staff.

The chart below indicates the timing symbols used in the staff notation.

The symbol can be placed either in the staff or in the space. A symbol on the staff or in the space indicate that, the note is played with the timing implies to that symbol or make a rest with that timing.


Base line of the staff is an 'E'note . which E is this?
The base line of the staff is denote the E note of the centre octave.
The staff note and the piano interface figure is shown below.

This is the key denotation corresponding to the staff notation is shown in the above figure. this is for one octave.

The complete octave of the piano and the corresponding staff notation is shown below.

The non familiar symbol that is used in the above figure,

 is called bass clef. This indicate the bass sound.


these all about the staff notation in basic. After learn this we will do some exercise based on the staff notation.